Linmir Celemariel

Paladin: Oath of Ancients


Name: Linmir Celemariel
Alias: Perin Khoravar
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 30
Birthday: December 13
Class: Paladin
Race: Half-elf
Height: 5'10"
Build: Soccer goalie
Orientation: bi
Home: the airship Wayfarer
Weapon: Sabre

I take off my hands and I give them to you but you don’t
want them, so I take them back
and put them on the wrong way, the wrong wrists.

richard siken - seaside improvisation


Linmir's somewhat imposing, cool-as-a-cucumber exterior is a front for the truth of her; she's quite anxious and emotive, and clings hard to the people she cares about. She often plays the straight man to her more eccentric teammates, but cracks jokes habitually when nervous. She tends to follow rather than lead, getting inexorably drawn into the orbit of more charismatic and passionate people. It's easier for her to consider herself a useful tool for a wiser hand than an independent actor in her own right, though she's been trying to grasp some agency of late. Beneath the self-doubt and guilt, she's fighting hard to keep herself and others free of cynicism and despair; some days she's not sure that's possible, but she's trying anyway.


  • Coffee
  • Swords
  • Her sister
  • Dancing


  • Heights
  • Charm spells
  • Taking charge
  • Fire


  • Papermaking
  • Appraising antiques
  • Knitting
  • Working out


As a scrappy kid in Eberron's capital city of Thronehold, Linmir joined a gang of terrorists young revolutionaries keen on ending the war and establishing a national homeland for half-elves -- by any means necessary. After a traumatic split from the group and its charismatic leader, she spent her 20s working as a smuggler and gang tough and probably would have done that forever if she hadn't heard that her little sister was joining the Church of Vol to become a grave cleric. Unwilling to let her join a probable death cult alone, Linmir packed up and joined the Church herself -- as a Bone Knight, since her inclinations ran more martial than clerical. Despite gaining actual magical powers from the Church of Vol, Linmir did not believe in any of its tenets and remains firmly agnostic. Perhaps that's why her abilities involve plants and natural elements rather than Vol's typical bones and blood?

With their new-minted Vol credentials in place, the Celemariel sisters took to the road in search of adventure. They found it quickly enough -- and considerably more than they bargained for, as they were pulled into the chaos of Persephone d'Canith's search for the lost creation forge, Genesis.


[campaign summary here]

prose snippets

Stats: LVL 12

STR: 14

DEX: 20

CON: 17

INT: 11

WIS: 14

CHA: 20


  • Has chronic insomnia
  • Almost always wears gloves
  • Quit smoking but took it up again recently
  • Really wants to know if she can suplex Argos
  • Once got turned into a toad for six hours





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